Brasil Flask 250ml

Brasil Flask 250ml


Disclaimer :  The photo displays the container and type of plant that will be purchased. Each plant has its own unique, ever-changing aesthetic.

Plant Type : Brasil

Water : Change water every 2 to 3 weeks for a crystal clear aesthetic. Clear containers are excellent breeding grounds for algae which will cause the water to turn green. Keep the bottle full of water. Add two drops of liquid fertilizer.

Facts :  Philodendron Brasil does well in bright indirect light as well as low light and can be grown in soil or water, in temperatures of 60-78 ºF (15-29 ºC). Brasil plants are also known as Philodendron hederaceum is originally from most of South America. They can tolerate neglect including low light, poor soil and inconsistent watering. Philodendron brasil is a great first-time houseplant or gift plant.

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